* You are viewing the archive for the ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ Category

Google Search Options Make it Even More Powerful?!

It seems that whenever something new rolls out online, one of the immediate thoughts is “Will this one be the Google Killer?” And the immediate answer, is most often “No way.” Google continues to take its search engine and deliver even more relevant results for its users. This time the relevant results are in the hands of the Google searchers, with new tools such as Search Options and Google Squared.

John Kennedy at Silicon Republic wrote on the subject last week, giving us the heads up on the news, following the second Google Searchology … Continue Reading

Search Marketing Statistics in Ireland – From Search Marketing World 2009

16 April 2009 UPDATED BLOG: Based on Revised Figures…

Following on from the research carried out for our annual conference in the past two years, Search Marketing World 2009 has carried out a thorough survey asking over 700 users in Ireland how they use the internet, in particular, search engines. The resulting list of search marketing and social media statistics was completed in participation with SMW’s research partner, Ask Chili.

While so many of the resulting figures were to be expected, there were a few surprises. We take each and every search engine marketing statistic … Continue Reading

IR Search Marketing Experts Speaking in February – Aisling Blake and Julian Lynch

As companies around the world re-evaluate their marketing activity, February brings about courses and conferences where people are trying to brush up on their Online Marketing skills or learn how online marketing can impact their return on investment, relevant to their industry and sector. metrocafe311’s experts, Aisling Blake (Operations Director) and Julian Lynch (Commercial Director), have been chosen to speak at some of these conferences, offering insight for how online marketing and search marketing can be cost-effectively utilised to achieve a company’s business objectives.

Aisling Blake will be speaking at Search Engine Strategies, … Continue Reading

SEO grass roots, choosing the correct hosting environment and platform for your website

Many a website has launched or is about to be launched without proper attention being paid to a number of KEY factors that effect SEO, mainly the location of hosting and the platform hosting your website.

Working as a web developer I have worked with and re-developed many websites that target a small cross section of the Irish populace. Some of these websites are selling what could be considered niche products to a niche market, but host their website through a third party hosting reseller based in Roanoke, Maryland in the U.S?!?

Having investigated why … Continue Reading

Search Engine Optimisation: Comes with Practice

The importance of search engine optimisation is continuously growing, especially in times when companies are trying to gather the most valuable traffic to their website at a low cost. So what better way to get low cost and valuable site visitors than to rank high in the search engine’s free listings? But when it comes to search engine optimisation, many people ask themselves ‘where do we even start?’ Getting started in search engine optimisation can be challenging, even for those who call themselves Search Engine Optimisation experts. And most people look to reading … Continue Reading