Category: Web Development
General, Web Development
The In Excusable and Inherently Evil IE 6, IE Display issues!
- January 26, 2009
- 1 comment
For starters I am not as upset as the title may imply! Although I am starting to think that IE is an inside joke that stands for In-Excusable. Imagine how much further along the internet design world would be if we didn’t have to focus so much of our brain power on making this (I)n-(E)excuse of... Read more
Search & Analytics, Web Development
SEO grass roots, choosing the correct hosting environment and platform for your website
- January 16, 2009
Many a website has launched or is about to be launched without proper attention being paid to a number of KEY factors that effect SEO, mainly the location of hosting and the platform hosting your website. Working as a web developer I have worked with and re-developed many websites that target a s... Read more
Web Development
Content Management Systems are Free!?
- September 12, 2008
- 1 comment
For the longest time in the Web Development world Content Management Systems (or CMS) have been seen as an added "extra". To this end many Web Development agencies have invested time and money to develop in-house Content Management Systems to meet their client's needs. You will probably find a bu... Read more