
Case Study Love. A Snapshot of the Ireland Deserves Sun Campaign.


Deep into September and we’re delighted to say that we’ve finally gotten a bit of hard fought sunshine, adding the final touch of success to the Ireland Deserves Sun campaign for Sandtex masonry paint. A fully integrated campaign created and managed by metrocafe311, Bloom Advertising and Pembroke Com... Read more


General, Search & Analytics

IR Search Marketing Experts Speaking in February – Aisling Blake and Julian Lynch


As companies around the world re-evaluate their marketing activity, February brings about courses and conferences where people are trying to brush up on their Online Marketing skills or learn how online marketing can impact their return on investment, relevant to their industry and sector. metrocafe311�... Read more


General, Social Media

Social Media Marketing is Good For Business


The amount of people talking about social networks in the online marketing industry today is tremendous, but the reason they are doing so is because the benefit it may have for your Business is even more tremendous. The “next big thing” in Ireland is no longer social media; because it already is... Read more


General, Social Media

YouTube Marketing: Working for the “YouTube Election”


News on the U.S. Presidential election spreads fast, but it seems that news travels even faster on YouTube. During the 2004 election, being in Ireland and away from the States during crunch time may have meant I was out of the political loop. Well, not anymore, as the 2008 election has been renamed ... Read more